Dr. Gökhan Tarı
Dr. Gökhan Tarı
Faculty Coordinator

Gökhan Tarı graduated from the Near East University Faculty of Maritime Studies, Department of Maritime Management in 2014. In 2020, he completed his master's degree at the Graduate School of Sciences, Department of Maritime Transportation Management Engineering at the University of Kyrenia. In 2023, he earned his Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Graduate Education, Department of Maritime Transportation Management Engineering at the same university. He began his postgraduate studies in 2020 as a research assistant, taking on various administrative roles and later started teaching. During this time, he participated in numerous national and international scientific research and projects. Notable projects include the BAP-supported “Mapping the Coasts of Northern Cyprus Within the Framework of the European Union EUNIS Habitat Classification Protocol” and international collaborative projects such as the “Project Pan-Mediterranean Larval Collectors’ Network - Mediterranean Noble Pen Shell Crisis (Pinna nobilis)” and “Patterns of Biodiversity Loss in the Eastern Mediterranean.”

From 2022 to 2024, he served as an inspector and personnel manager at a Cyprus-based private maritime company. As a result of his research and projects, he has published numerous articles indexed in SCI (Science Citation Index). He currently serves as a faculty lecturer at the Faculty of Maritime Studies at the University of Kyrenia and also holds the positions of Head of the Environmental Protection and Control Department at the Vocational School of Technical Sciences and Head of the Department of Fisheries Technology Engineering at the Faculty of Marine Sciences.